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Salesperson: Can I help you?

Salesperson: It costs 30,00. If you buy 3 sweatshirts you will get one for half the price.

Oh, it's too big. Do you have a smaller one?

How much are they?

Can I try it on?

Salesperson: What color would you prefer?

Do you take credit cards?

So that means 1 for 30 and 3 for 75... That's nice... I'll take 3. but then, let me see some other colors, please.

Salesperson: Sure! The fitting room is over here.

Salesperson: They are 40 dollars.

Salesperson: I'm afraid we only take cash.

Yes, please. I'm looking for a dress. Do you have any?

I think I'd like a dark one.

Salesperson: Of course. I'll get it for you. Here this is medium.