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1. MILD Adaptive Functioning (Conceptual)
2. MILD Adaptive Functioning (Social)
3. MILD Adaptive Functioning (Practical)
4. MODERATE Adaptive Functioning (Conceptual)
5. MODERATE Adaptive Functioning (Social)
6. MODERATE Adaptive Functioning (Practical)
7. SEVERE Adaptive Functioning (Conceptual)
8. SEVERE Adaptive Functioning (Social)
9. SEVERE Adaptive Functioning (Practical)
10. PROFOUND Adaptive Functioning (Conceptual)
11. PROFOUND Adaptive Functioning (Social)
12. PROFOUND Adaptive Functioning (Practical)

Immature in social interactions and judgments

MILD Adaptive Functioning (Social)

Communication and social limitations affect relationships; significant support needed in work settings

Support and supervision required for all daily living activities; some maladaptive behavior including self-injury may be present

Dependent on others for all aspects of daily life.

Extended teaching needed to care for personal needs; ongoing support needed to manage work and life

Difficulties in learning – more support and more time needed; concrete approach to problems

Marked lag in cognitive skills; ongoing assistance needed for conceptual tasks of day-to-day life

MODERATE Adaptive Functioning (Conceptual)

No understanding of symbolic processes; co-occurring motor or sensory impairments limit functioning

Extensive supports for problem-solving throughout life; very little understanding of written language or numerical concepts

MILD Adaptive Functioning (Practical)

Age appropriate in personal care; needs support in complex tasks

(E)(X) MODERATE Adaptive Functioning (Practical)

SEVERE Adaptive Functioning (Conceptual)

(E)(X) PROFOUND Adaptive Functioning (Practical)

MILD Adaptive Functioning (Conceptual)

(E)(X) SEVERE Adaptive Functioning (Social)

MODERATE Adaptive Functioning (Social)

Communication is largely nonverbal & non-symbolic; may respond to social interactions through gestural and emotional cues; co-occurring impairments limit functioning

SEVERE Adaptive Functioning (Practical)

(E)(X) PROFOUND Adaptive Functioning (Conceptual)

PROFOUND Adaptive Functioning (Social)

Limited spoken language; understands simple speech and gestures