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English literature first enters the university in the ____________________ , in ____________________ , but it does so under the strange - sounding label of ? Rhetoric ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ .

University College ____________________ began teaching in ____________________ and included on its staff Britain's first ? Professor of English Language and Literature' .

Each great author was understood in relation to his ____________________ and as building upon their ____________________ . This new approach also connected literary study very closely to the ____________________ of the language , starting with the Old English poems and chronicles of the ____________________ - ____________________ . English Literature was understood as developing continuously through time just as the ____________________ had done .

But , in another sense , this was a very ____________________ way of reading poems and plays . The ? English tradition' was imagined as smoothly continuous , ____________________ when English society had suffered the sudden dislocations of Reformation , civil war , and economic upheaval . Each literary text was understood in relation to other ____________________ ____________________ which preceded and followed it , not in relation to the political or ____________________ situation in which it was first written or published .

This lack of interest in ____________________ contexts was taken over from Smith , Blair and the Dissenters . But where they had seen literary study as a way of becoming modern , English Literature in the ____________________ - ____________________ universities became instead a way of
connecting yourself to the ____________________ . It allowed students to understand themselves as the inheritors of an English national ____________________ that was embodied in the nation's ____________________ .

More directly , English Literature at university could appeal to ____________________ group denied both the vote and a classical education : ____________________ . Barred from most professions , such as the law and medicine , and from training in the natural sciences , young middle - class women sought out other sources of intellectual fulfillment , and by the end of the ____________________ had new career opportunities as ____________________ and office - workers . They , too , could be accommodated in English classes , the reading of literature fostering what were assumed to be the natural feminine powers of sympathy , and infusing them with the ____________________ heritage of their race .