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Once upon a time, an emperor found out that there lived a very powerful witch in one of the provinces of his kingdom, who had the power to see the red string of fate, so he called her to his court.

Many years later, the time came for the emperor to marry, and his court advised that he should get married with the daughter of a very powerful general. The emperor took their advice, and all the preparations started, to wait for who was to be chosen to be the wife of the great emperor.

When the witch arrived, she invited the peasant to stand up, and told the young emperor: “Here is where your string comes to its end”.

When the witch arrived, the emperor ordered her to look for the other end of the string that he had attached to his pinky finger, so that he would be brought to his future wife. The witch accepted this request, and started to follow the string.

When the emperor lifted her veil, he saw that her beautiful face had a very peculiar scar in her forehead.

Then, the day of the wedding came but especially, it was the moment to see, for the first time, the face of the emperor’s wife. She entered the temple, wearing a beautiful dress and a veil that covered all of her face.

This brought them to a small market, where a poor peasant holding a baby in her arms offered her products.

It was the scar that the emperor himself had caused when he rejected his fate years ago, the one fate that the witch had foretold before him, and that he had decided not to believe.

But when the emperor heard this, he got very angry, thinking that the witch was fooling him. He pushed the peasant over, who still was holding her baby, and so as they felt the baby got a big wound on her forehead

Then, he gathered his guards and ordered them to seize the witch and cut her head off.