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This afternoon , there are some students in the park . They are talking about Lauren , a new girl who has come to the school :
- ? Where is ____________________ from ? ? María asked .
- ? She is from a continent ? Mario answered .
- ? Obviously haha , she is from ____________________ , Africa , Asia , America or ____________________ ? replied her .
- ? Or from Antarctica , which is another continent ? Marta said .
- ? Where is Antarctica ? . . . Oh Lauren is there , we need to know where she is from ? said Diego .
They go to the bank where Lauren is , and María said :
- ? Hi Lauren ! can we ask you a ____________________ ? ?
- ? Hello guys ! Sure , go on ? she replied .
- ? Ok , where ____________________ you from ? ? Mario asked . ?
- I'm from ____________________ ? Lauren answer .
- ? Oh , I thought you were from ____________________ ! ?
- ? Well , yes , because England is part of the United Kingdom , like ____________________ , which is in the ____________________ of UK ?
- ? That's true ! I remember that . And what ____________________ is the UK ____________________ ?
- ? It's white , blue and red ?
- ? And all the people from UK and USA speak ____________________ , don't they ?
- ? Yes , and people from other countries speak English too , like ____________________ Africa , or ____________________ and India which are in the west .
- ? You know many things ! ? By the way , do you know where is Antarctica ? ?
- ? Yes , it is in the ____________________ , but I don't know what language do they speak ! ?