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Perry Document

Opium Wars

Western Superiority

Monroe Doctrine

Boxer Rebellion


Sepoy Rebellion

Roosevelt Corollary

USS Maine

Meiji Restoration


Berlin Conference

A meeting of European countries where the conquest of Africa was organized.

An American threat to the Japanese that the US would conquer Japan if it did not open up to trade.

A promise that the US would protect any country in the Western Hemisphere against any further colonization from Europe.

A conflict caused by British cultural insensitivity towards Indian and Muslim culture.

A rebellion in China against British imperial practices where the British forced the Chinese to trade their goods for drugs.

The sinking of this ship was the cause of the US entering the Spanish-American War.

The belief that because Western, industrialized countries were stronger, they were better than other countries and conquering them was an act of mercy.

Effectively stated that the US would become the police force of the Western Hemisphere.

A term used to describe the Industrial Revolution in Japan.

A Chinese rebellion against the British where locals attempted to wipe out Christianity and British influence in China.

When stronger, industrialized nations conquered weaker nations for their markets, labor, and resources.

A strong sense of loyalty to a country mixed with the desire to make it superior to all other countries.