Créer une activité
Jouer Compléter
1 . The seashell ____________________ ____________________ by the girl in the white hat .
2 . The movie ____________________ ____________________ by all .
3 . The decorations for the party ____________________ ____________________ by Jessica .
4 . The phone ____________________ ____________________ in the car .
5 . The vase ____________________ ____________________ . ( Passive voice ____________________ ____________________ when you don't know who performed the action ) .
6 . The toy ____________________ ____________________ by the dog .
7 . The stuffed animal ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ by the little girl .
8 . The laundry ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ by Mom .
9 . These cookies ____________________ ____________________ at the grocery store bakery .
10 . The vegetables ____________________ ____________________ by the children .