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The ____________________ is the indivudual , group or organization that needs or wants to share information with some other individual , group or organization . The ____________________ is the individual , group or organization for which the information is intended . The ____________________ is the information that the sender needs or wants to share with other people . A message is clear when it contains information that is easily interpreted or understood . Once the sender has decided what the message is , the next step in the process is ____________________ , translating the message into symbols or words that the receiver understands . Once a message is encoded , it is transmitted to the receiver to some medium . The ____________________ is the pathway in which an encoded message is transmitted to a receiver . Just as senders have to translate their ideas or messages into a form that can be to the receiver , receivers have to make sense of the messages they receive . ____________________ is interpreting or trying to make sense of the sender's message . After decoding the message , the receiver has to respond to it and start the ____________________ loop . The receiver must first decide what message to pass on to the original sender . If receiver properly interpreted the initial message , then common understanding has been reached .