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Tomorrow's issue ____________________ ____________________ ( be ) the last one for our newspaper . We all knew this day was coming , and it is a sad day . We lost almost 520 million last year , and the owners have tried to sell the paper but no one wants to buy it in this economy . I want to thank all of you , all the editors , writers , photographers , page designers , pnnters - - everyone who helped make this paper a city institution for the past 150 years . It's been a pleasure and an honor working with you and supervising you . As you've heard , we ____________________ ____________________ ( continue ) to have an online news site with a staff of 25 . This re - designed website ____________________ ____________________ ( begin ) tomorrow . We hope that it ____________________ ____________________ ( help ) fill the gap left by the departed print product . Meanwhile , we have one more issue to put o . . Let's get to work and make it the best it can be .