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Brazil elections : Far - right leader Jair Bolsonaro wins presidency

Results give Bolsonaro a 56 percent share of runoff vote , comfortably ____________________ of centre - left ____________________ Fernando Haddad .

Far - right candidate Jair Bolsonaro ____________________ won Brazil's presidential elections , signalling a political ____________________ for South America's most populous nation and ____________________ economy .

Official results gave Bolsonaro a 56 percent ____________________ of the vote in Sunday's runoff , comfortably ahead of Fernando Haddad , the candidate of the centre - left Workers' Party ( PT ) , ____________________ had 44 percent .

Bolsonaro gave an internet address via Facebook Live , shunning a traditional ____________________ conference due to security ____________________ . In September , he ____________________ a near fatal stabbing at a campaign rally .

" We could no longer be flirting with socialism , communism , populism and ____________________ on the left , " he said .

Supporters wearing t - shirts emblazoned with Bolsonaro's face and Brazil's yellow and green ____________________ colours assembled outside ____________________ house in the Barra da Tijuca ____________________ of Rio de Janeiro .

In Sao Paulo , supporters gathered on Avenida Paulista , the city's main thoroughfare , with ____________________ and banners that read Bolsonaro's " Brazil ____________________ everything , God above ____________________ " slogan .

'He'll give us security'

PT had won the ____________________ four elections in Brazil , while its popular ____________________ Luiz Inacio " Lula " da Silva was the frontrunner this year until being barred from running in September because of a ____________________ conviction .

Throughout the campaign , Bolsonaro ____________________ to crack down on Brazil's violent crime that saw nearly 64 , 000 ____________________ last year . He wants to increase ____________________ ownership and has pledged to give police " carte blanche " to kill .

" He'll give us the ____________________ that the country needs , behind this education and healthcare will follow , " said Maria Lucia de Almeida , 84 , a ____________________ Sao Paulo teacher .

" He's honest . "

But for other voters , Bolsonaro is an ____________________ and a threat to democracy . He has a history of disparaging remarks against LGBT people , women and ____________________ and has spoken of his support for torture and extrajudicial police killings .

" He's made it clear that he doesn't want to sit and have ____________________ with those that think different from him , " said Pedro Igor Mantoun , 29 , a corporate ____________________ from Sao Paulo who voted for Haddad .

" For any country , this is a bad thing but especially for one with such a young ____________________ as ours . "

Controversial past

Bolsonaro's rise from a fringe congressman to the ____________________ has come against a backdrop of economic downturn , ____________________ turmoil , mammoth corruption scandals and rising violence .

Bolsonaro is an outspoken supporter of Brazil's brutal and repressive 1964 - 1985 ____________________ dictatorship , a period when hundreds of political opponents were murdered by the state and thousands more ____________________ .

He is expected to stuff his cabinet with generals and ex - ____________________ men .

Last Sunday , during a confrontational speech transmitted to thousands of supporters , Bolsonaro said " red ( leftist ) criminals " would be " banished from our homeland " and pledged a " cleansing never seen before " .

" Brazil will not become a dictatorship , we won't see ____________________ closed , " said Mauricio Santoro , a political scientist and professor of international ____________________ at Rio de Janeiro State University .

" But we know from ____________________ in other countries that electing an extreme president brings bad ____________________ for democracy . "

Elsewhere , in the gubernatorial elections , in Sao Paulo , former mayor , media tycoon and once host of Brazil's version of The Apprentice TV programme Joao Doria won the race ____________________ incumbent Marcio Franca .

In Rio de Janeiro , Bolsonaro ally and former judge Wilson Witzel beat Eduardo Paes who presided as mayor for two terms , included when the city hosted the 2016 Olympics .