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- ____________________ wanted to be independent of ____________________ .
- The US sent the ship , the USS ____________________ to Havana Harbor .
- This was to protect US ____________________ interests in Cuba
- This was also meant to show that the US would help support Cuba in their fight for ____________________ .
- ____________________ journalism - exaggerated news meant to shock people
- exaggerated how badly Cubans were being treated by ____________________
- This was meant to cause Americans to ____________________ with the Cuban people
- The USS Maine explded in Havana Harbor
- " ____________________ the Maine " - the rally cry that blamed Spain for the explosion and ecnouraged American support of going to war with Spain
- The US Congress declared war on ____________________ after the USS Maine exploded
Theodore Roosevelt formed the ____________________ ____________________ , and joined with the Buffalo Soldiers to defeat the Spanish in Cuba , forcing an end to the war
- After the US won the war , Spain gave us control over
- ____________________ ____________________
- the ____________________
- ____________________
- Currently only Guam and Puerto Rico remain US Possessions
- Our victory in the Spanish - American War marked the beginning of America's role as a ____________________ power