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My free days at home
I usually ____________________ to school all the weekdays , from monday to friday . Saturday and sunday are my free days from school . Normally , in this days mom ____________________ for my help with the ____________________ and it is really boring , I really don't enjoy doing it . First she ____________________ me to ____________________ my room , this includes : ____________________ my sheets , ____________________ my bed , ____________________ up my toys , ____________________ my close and ____________________ the dirty one in the washing machine and organize my books . After this , I ____________________ and ____________________ all the house , scrub my shoes , ____________________ the dust on each part of the house , ____________________ the carpets and the couch and ____________________ up the leaves around our house . My mom does the laundry and ____________________ my dad's uniform . Finally , Mom and me ____________________ the floor of the backyard . When we finish to make all the household I like to ____________________ television or sleep one hour , at least . I ____________________ up and start doing my homeworks . At the end of the day my mom ____________________ really delicious food and I lay the table . After ____________________ my dad ____________________ the table and ____________________ the dishes and my mom ____________________ them .