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A ) Cindy recommended ____________________ good hairdresser , but ____________________ hairdresser doesn't have any openings for four weeks .
B ) Jane recommended ____________________ book to Arnold . He liked ____________________ book very much .
C ) Do you have ____________________ umbrella ?
D ) I am going to buy sandwiches for lunch .
E ) Do you have ____________________ towel ? I spilled ____________________ glass of water .
F ) Do you have ____________________ dictionary ? I want to look up ____________________ word .
G ) There's ____________________ cat in ____________________ garden .
H ) Do you have ____________________ computer ? I have ____________________ laptop and ____________________ iPad .
I ) There are new books at ____________________ library .
J ) Mt . Everest is ____________________ mountain . It's ____________________ highest mountain in ____________________ world !