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1 . Velocity is the measurement of both the ____________________ and the ____________________ of an object

2 . Acceleration is the rate at which an object ____________________ its ____________________ .

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3 . The green and purple arrows represent ____________________ .

4 . The green arrow represents the ____________________ of the car .

5 . The longer the green arrow the ____________________ the car is moving .

6 . The ____________________ of the arrow shows where the car is headed .

7 . The length of the purple arrow indicates how quickly the car is ____________________ .

8 . Two ways a car can accelerate is :

Speeding up
Slowing down

9 . If purple arrow points in the same direction as velocity ( speed ) arrow then speed is ____________________ .

10 . If purple arrow points in opposite direction then speed is ____________________ .

11 . If the arrow points in between then car is changing ____________________ .