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Articles of Confederation

Philadelphia, PA & 1787

What were some weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation government?

Three-Fifths Compromise

Shays' Rebellion

Virginia Plan

Great Compromise (Virginia + New Jersey Plan)

New Jersey Plan

1. No power to levy taxes 2. No courts to stop arguments between states 3. No power to regulate trade 4. Looked weak to foreign governments 5. Too difficult to pass laws (9/13 needed to agree) 6. Only one vote per state

Farmers' revolt that showed the need for a national army & to strengthen the federal government

favors small states where everyone has equal representation

favored larger states based on population. Bicameral legislature meaning two houses that creates our legislative branch (Congress)

Compromise that created a bicameral Congress

The first U.S. government, ratified in 1781 that created a weak national government

Place and date of the Constitutional Convention

compromise in which one slave was determined to equal 3/5 of a person when considering the population of a state