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When Francis Lee was a boy he ____________________ ( want ) to be an astronaut . He ____________________ ____________________ ( watch ) TV one day in 1969 when he ____________________ ( see ) Neil Armstrong walk on the moon . Since then he ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ( always / dream ) of doing the same . Every night when there is a full moon , he ____________________ ( stare ) up at it for hours and ____________________ ( imagine ) himself walking around on it . At the moment , however , he ____________________ ____________________ ( work ) as a night - watchman at a meat factory . He ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ( do ) the same job since he left school fifteen years ago , but he still hopes that one day his dream ____________________ ____________________ ( come ) true . He ____________________ ____________________ ( hear ) that
in the 21 st century they ____________________ ____________________ / ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ( sell ) tickets to fly to the moon . For 
this reason he ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ( save ) half of his wages every month for the past
two years .