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Hi Roy , long time no see u . how are u ?
Hello ross , I´m excellent and u ?
I´m so stress
Why ?
I´m stress because I moved to another community and I am so tired .
Ohh ! I am sorry for that , but it is great that you have moved to another community !
So , where are you living now ?
I´m living in a fantastic and beautiful community in Medellin .
Good ! But you know my community is ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ yours .
No , you are wrong ! , because the houses of my community are ____________________ ____________________ your community´s houses . Also it has ____________________ places to visit and have fun ____________________
yours .
That is correct , the houses of my community are ____________________ ____________________ yours . I don´t want affect your feeling but , in my community the bus service is ____________________
____________________ yours and there are ____________________ traffic lights ____________________ in your community .
Yeah , I agree . Our communities have positive and negative things but the most important thing is that in our communities there are ____________________ and
____________________ ____________________ and that make ____________________ our communities .
Yeah ! You are right ! .
I have to go , it was a pleasure to see you again .
Yeah ! It was also a pleasure for me , good bye !
Bye !