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Although it is only present in the rural areas of some provinces, the Canadian Mounted Police has become an icon of the country.

The fauna is very similar to that of Northern Europe and Asia, so you can find bears, wolves, coyotes, pumas, among other carnivorous animals. In the arctic regions the fauna is typical of the tundra and it is home to a great variety of seals, whales and polar bears, while mosses and lichens predominate in the flora. In some regions you can see beavers, porcupines, moles and numerous rodents. Some areas of Canada are also the habitat of antelopes, reindeer and elk.

A scene from the 2010 Vancouver Olympic Games, seconds after the Canadian ice hockey team won the gold medal.

The totems are a representative element of Canadian aboriginal peoples worldwide.

it is a sovereign country of North America, whose form of government is the federal parliamentary monarchy. Its territory is organized in ten provinces and three territories. Its capital is the city of Ottawa and the most populated city is Toronto

English and French are the mother tongues of 59.7% and 23.2% of the population, respectively