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Harry ate six shrimps at dinner . ( active )
At dinner , six shrimps ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ Harry . ( passive )

Beautiful giraffes roam the savannah . ( active )
The savannah ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ beautiful giraffes . ( passive )

Sue changed the flat tire . ( active )
The flat tire ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ Sue . ( passive )

We are going to watch a movie tonight . ( active )
A movie is ____________________ to ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ us tonight . ( passive )

I ran the obstacle course in record time . ( active )
The obstacle course ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ me in record time . ( passive )

The crew paved the entire stretch of highway . ( active )
The entire stretch of highway ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ the ____________________ . ( passive )

Mom read the novel in one day . ( active )
The novel ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ Mom in one ____________________ . ( passive )

The critic wrote a scathing review . ( active )
A scathing review ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ the ____________________ . ( passive )

I will clean the house every Saturday . ( active )
The house will ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ me ____________________ Saturday . ( passive )