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Sociology is the scientific study of ____________________ and ____________________ behaviour . It got its start thanks to a French philosopher named ____________________ in the 1800's he wanted there to be a systematic science for studying society , a way to investigate and solve its basic problems . - - - - - - - - - - - - A society is just a group of people who share a ____________________ and a territory . The social sciences include disciplines like economics and psychology , and while they all have different focuses and perspectives , they're all trying to understand the social world ____________________ through controlled and repeated ____________________ . - - - - - - - - - - So , what makes sociology different from any of these other social sciences ? Well , like the others , sociology is looking for ____________________ . But it looks for all kinds of them , in all kinds of places . Sociology looks at all aspects of society and at all scales , from two people talking to differences between nations . It's this scope that really sets sociology apart , especially in what's known as the ____________________ . - - - - - - - - - - This means two things . Seeing the general in the particular is a way of saying that sociology tries to understand social behaviour by placing it in its wider ____________________ . - - - - - - - - - - To see the ____________________ is to approach the everyday world as though you were seeing it for the first time and as if you were from another world . And this is so hard to do because your own society tends to look normal to you , you take it for granted . As you're ____________________ into it you're taught a ____________________ understanding of society , but sociology has to know what's true . - - - - - - - - - - - Your ____________________ is a way of classifying yourself by race , social class , gender , sexual orientation , religion , et cetera . Understanding social context is important because , just like the sociologist looks for the general in the particular , a person's life and choices will be influenced by their context . Take for instance the consistent finding that resumes with names that sound African American , tend to get called for interviews much less often than those with white sounding names . Even though the resumes are otherwise identical . - - - - - - - - - - If a social group is ____________________ it means that is occupies a position outside the centers of power . These groups are often racial , ethnic , sexual , or religious minorities and marginalized groups tend to have a clearer view of how power operates . - - - - - - - - - - There are of course the obvious kinds , like economic power and income ____________________ , or political power and politically enforced inbalances of power like segregation or slavery . For instance people who speak with non standard accents or dialects are often judged harshly for them and can be seen as less intelligent or less mature . Sociology can help us identify and understand all of these things and maybe even try and fix them . And that's the point , sociology is all about understanding society and society is where we all live so we'd like it to work as well as possible .