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Implementation Intentions Model

Behavioural Enaction Models

Multi-Stage Models

Health Belief

Subjective norms

Perceived control

Theory of Reasoned Action (Ajzen & Fishbein)

Theory of Planned Behaviour (Ajzen & Fishbein)

Response efficacy belief

Goal Theory

Cost-gain belief

Something we believe to be true concerning our health

Beliefs regarding what others think we should do and the extent to which we are motivated to go along with these people

Attempt to improve our ability to predict and affect behaviour by addressing the gap between intention and behaviour.

Provide a step-by-step explanation for how someone develops intention and then carries the intention through to behaviour, both short and long-term.

Assessment of the costs associated with a course of action compared to the benefit of the individual’s health

Perception that a threat-reducing strategy will work

Gollwitzer. Posits that people who have an implementation plan are much more likely to engage in that behaviour.

Bagozzi. Similar to Gollwitzer's, but also considers a person's thoughts about the nature of the goal and the expression of intentions about the goal.

A hybrid theory of Reasoned Action with the addition of perceived behavioural control. Behaviour is preceded by intention and that intention is influenced not only by subjective norms and beliefs about efficacy of the behaviour, but also by the belief that one is actually capable of performing the behaviour.

Belief that a specific behaviour is within one’s control

Behaviour is preceded by intentioned and that our intention is influenced by beliefs about the behaviour and subjective norms