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Last week , Beth ____________________ a cake for Lilly's birthday party . Lilly ____________________ a strawberry cake with pink frosting .

First , Beth ____________________ the ingredients ____________________ a big bowl . Next , she ____________________ the cake mix in four round baking pans . She put the pans ____________________ the oven and then , she baked the cakes for 20 minutes .

Later , Beth ____________________ the pink frosting . After the cakes ____________________ , Beth stacked them and ____________________ with frosting . Beth ____________________ some pretty white flowers and put them ____________________ top of the cake . She also put some pretty candles on it .

On Sunday , Beth ____________________ Lilly with the strawberry cake . Lilly ____________________ her cake ! Lilly ____________________ many gifts for her birthday , but she ____________________ that the beautiful cake was the best gift of them all !