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Jouer Compléter
____________________ is ____________________ work . This ____________________ and hundreds of ____________________ of ____________________ workers like ____________________ spend six to ____________________ hours a day ____________________ ____________________ - leaves . They are the ____________________ of people from ____________________ , brought to Sri ____________________ by the ____________________ , almost ____________________ hundred years ____________________ , to work on ____________________ . Today they earn around ____________________ to ____________________ dollars for picking a day's ____________________ : which can ____________________ between ____________________ and ____________________ kilos . It's only if we ____________________ the ____________________ targets that we get ____________________ the basic ____________________ . And they ____________________ those targets ? in ____________________ kinds of ____________________ . Earnings ____________________ , depending on the ____________________ ; and ____________________ agencies point ____________________ that workers' ____________________ conditions are ____________________ . You can see the ____________________ level ; and the ____________________ are ____________________ ; they're ____________________ in a very ____________________ space . . . . For the last ____________________ of ____________________ , plantation ____________________ has consisted of ____________________ buildings like ____________________ ; divided into ____________________ for each ____________________ . Parents , ____________________ and ____________________ family ____________________ in these . . . ____________________ . ____________________ and ____________________ are ____________________ . Plantation ____________________ say they ____________________ ____________________ of workers , ? from ____________________ to ____________________