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The Industrial ____________________ was the transition from rudimentary and old tools , to new manufacturing processes , from about 1760 to 1840 , and took place mostly in ____________________ ____________________ . The transition was more specifically from the old techniques that were ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ , Waterwheels and ____________________ , and ____________________ Strenght to Textiles , Steam ____________________ , Iron ____________________ , and machine tools .
There were some main ____________________ to this movement , and they are clasificated in : Political causes , ____________________ Causes , and Economic Causes . Some Social causes were the following : The Agricultural ____________________ , The finantial institutions in Britain , the vast supply of ____________________ resources , the protection of private ____________________ , and the Colonial Empire . Some Political Causes were : Europe needed to produce more , the European states had been frecuently fighting between them , British political life encouraged economic ____________________ and ____________________ , the concept of Monarchy provided a free arena to ____________________ eneterprises .
This Revolution came with a lot of changes in the ____________________ , that is what it was about , but mostly the ____________________ of Great Britain was to be more ____________________ , and become even greater among ____________________ .