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Cathode Ray Tube Set Up

Why did J.J. Thomson conclude that electrons must be particles that are negatively charged?

What important conclusion did Bohr’s model contribute to our understanding of atoms?

How did Rutherford set up his famous experiment?

What instrument did J.J. Thomson use to discover the electron?

John Dalton proposed many postulates describing atoms. Which discovery disproved his idea that atoms cannot be divided into smaller particles?

John Dalton proposed many postulates describing atoms. Which discovery disproved his idea that all atoms of an element are identical?

What conclusion about the atom was Neils Bohr actually wrong about?

What conclusion did Rutherford make when most particles went through the gold foil but some were reflected back?

Gold Foil Experiment Set Up

Most of the atom was empty space, and the mass was contained in a dense nucleus.

Electrons do NOT travel around the atom in fixed orbits

The discovery of the neutron proved that atoms of the same element are NOT all identical

Rutherford shot alpha particles at a thin sheet of gold foil.

J. J. Thomson used a cathode ray tube

They were particles because a magnet bent the cathode ray. They were negatively charged because they were attracted to a positive voltage. (Opposites attract)

Electrons are organized into different energy levels around the nucleus

The discovery of the electron proved that atoms are made of subatomic particles