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They are computers with the biggest processing capacity. Their operational performance is the highest between other computers. Usually, they are used for scientific or engineering work, because this requires a large database.

They have a large size, great storage, and a powerful processing.

An example of System Software

Printed circuit board that contains the main components of a computer or device.

The brain of the computer, most of the calculations take place there.

Software that include programs to run the computer by itself.

Physical parts or components in the computers.

It’s a hardware equipment that provides data and control signals to a computer.

A program that enables a computer to perform an specific task, as opposed to the hardware.

It stores data on remote servers with the help of internet or cloud.

Productivity programs or tools that help you to complete tasks.

Random Access Memory. It’s the computer's main memory, the data and software are stored in it.

Storage devices


Cloud storage



Output devices

System Software

Application Software

Mainframe computers

Mobile computers

Input devices




Personal computers

Operating System