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Scavenger Hunt

Use google to search for these answers . . .

1 . The top 2 most abundant elements in living things are . . . . ____________________ , ____________________

2 . Which gas do animals breathe out during respiration ? ____________________ - ____________________

3 . Which gas do plants take in during photosynthesis ? ( ____________________ - ____________________ )

4 . Where do plants get their mass ? ____________________

5 . Which gas controls temperature on earth ? ____________________ - ____________________

6 . What is the most abundant sedimentary rock on earth ? ____________________

7 . What elements are found in limestone ? ____________________ , ____________________ , ____________________

8 . What energy sources are currently used the most ? ____________________ , ____________________ - ____________________ , ____________________

9 . What are the two main elements found in fossil fuels ? ____________________ , ____________________

10 . What gas is released when fossil fuels are burned ? ____________________ - ____________________

11 . Which element is present in questions 1 - 10 : ____________________