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One day when I was little , my sister ____________________ ( come ) home from school with a pet rabbit in her bag . She ____________________ ____________________ ( find ) it by the side of the road and she ____________________ ( want ) to keep it . That evening we ____________________ ( put ) the rabbit in the garage and ____________________ ( close ) the door carefully . The next day was Saturday , so after breakfast , we ____________________ ( go ) into the garage to look at the rabbit . However , the rabbit wasn't there ! It ____________________ ____________________ ( escape ) ! We ____________________ ( search ) for it everywhere ; in the garden , in the shed , behind the trash bins . We ____________________ ____________________ ( look ) in the front door when our neighbour appeared . He ____________________ ____________________ ( hold ) the rabbit ! He ____________________ ____________________ ( discover ) it hiding under a bush in his garden . Later on , Dad ____________________ ( make ) a special house for the rabbit . We ____________________ ( keep ) the rabbit in its new house after that and thankfully it never escaped again .