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First of all , my life in my neighborhood is quite simple . There ____________________ a grocery store ; I
go there most Wednesdays when I ____________________ to buy something quick to prepare . Also ,
there ____________________ other shops such as a bakery , two restaurants , and a newsagent . I am very satisfied with having a newsagent in my neighborhood because I ____________________ reading magazines .
Otherwise , I don't feel safe in my neighborhood because many ____________________ have already taken place and the police protection ____________________ comes in my ____________________ unless there ____________________ a problem .
Near my house , there is a tennis court . It's a place ____________________ people meet and socialize . I
appreciate going there with my father during the weekend because ____________________ a possibility to share an activity with our ____________________ and simply have fun ! I feel like belonging to a
community because I ____________________ very close to my neighbors . They give ____________________ a hand . When we go on holiday , for example , they feed my dog and they water the plants .
Sometimes when they ____________________ to go to the restaurant ____________________ the children , my sister and I babysit the kids . We can ____________________ that there is solidarity between the neighbors ,
that's why I would never want to ____________________ this neighborhood .
Coralie N .