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1. Atmosphere
2. Geosphere
3. Hydrosphere
4. Biosphere

It's all the space above us.

Lakes, rivers, ice, oceans, puddles, groundwater, glaciers, and icebergs are part of this system.

It includes all of the living organisms on Earth.

Anything that is alive is part of this system.

The system we walk on every day.

Trees, plants, birds, worms, apes, snakes, and humans are part of this system.

Freshwater and saltwater are part of this system.

Clouds and weather take place here.

It's made up of all the water on Earth.

Rocks, sand and soil are parts of this system.

It protects us from harmful things in space.

Earth's surface and inside.

The top layer of this system is called the crust.

It holds the oxygen we breathe.  

Acts as a protective blanket around Earth.