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Every human ____________________ to have to hunt or gather to survive . But humans are smart - ly lazy ____________________ we made tools to make our work easier . From sticks , to plows to tractors we've gone from everyone needing to make food to , modern agriculture with almost no ____________________ needing to make food ? and yet we ____________________ have abundance .

Of course , it's not just farming , it's ____________________ . We've spent the last several thousand years building tools to reduce physical labor of all kinds . These are mechanical muscles ? stronger , more reliable , and more tireless ____________________ human muscles could ever be .

And that's a good thing . Replacing human labor with mechanical muscles frees people to specialize and that leaves ____________________ better off even though still doing physical labor . This is how economies grow and standards of living rise .

Some people have specialized to be programmers and engineers whose job is to build mechanical minds . Just as mechanical muscles made human labor less in demand so are mechanical minds making human brain labor less in demand .

This is an economic revolution . You may think we've ____________________ here before , but we haven't .

This time is different .

Physical Labor
When you think of automation , you ____________________ think of this : giant , custom - built , expensive , efficient but really dumb robots blind to the world and ____________________ own work . There were a scary kind of automation but they haven't taken over the world because they're ____________________ cost effective in narrow situations .

But they are the old kind of automation , this is the new kind .

Meet Baxter .

Unlike these things ____________________ require skilled operators and technicians and millions of dollars , Baxter has vision and can learn what you want him to do by watching you do it . And he costs ____________________ than the average annual salary of a human worker . ____________________ his older brothers he isn't pre - programmed for one specific job , he can do whatever work is within the reach of his arms . Baxter is what might be thought of as a general purpose robot and general purpose is a big deal .

Think computers , they too started out as highly custom and highly expensive , but ____________________ cheap - ish general - purpose computers appeared they quickly became vital to everything .

A general - purpose computer can just as easily calculate change or assign seats on an airplane or play a game or do ____________________ by just swapping its software . And this huge demand for computers of all kinds is what makes them both more powerful and cheaper ____________________ year .

Baxter today is the computer in the 1980s . He's not the apex but the beginning . Even ____________________ Baxter is slow his hourly cost is pennies worth of electricity while his meat - based competition costs minimum wage . A tenth the speed is still cost effective when it's a hundred times cheaper . And ____________________ Baxtor isn't as smart as some of the other things we will talk about , he's smart ____________________ to take over many low - skill jobs .

And we've ____________________ seen how dumber robots than Baxter can replace jobs . In new supermarkets what used to be 30 humans is now one human overseeing 30 cashier robots .

Or the hundreds of thousand baristas employed world - wide ? There's a barista robot coming for them . Sure ____________________ your guy makes your double - mocha - whatever just perfect and you'd never trust ____________________ else - - but millions of people don't care and just want a decent cup of coffee . Oh and by the way this robot is ____________________ a giant network of robots that remembers who you are and how you like your coffee no matter where you are . Pretty convenient .

We think of technological change as the fancy new expensive ____________________ , but the real change comes from last decade's stuff getting cheaper and faster . That's what's happening to robots now . And because their mechanical minds are capable of decision making they are out - competing humans for jobs in a way no pure mechanical muscle ever ____________________ .