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1 . - ____________________ : when the direction of a wave changes because of a change in medium .
2 . - ____________________ : a measure of how many waves crests or troughs pass a given point in one unit of time .
3 . - ____________________ ____________________ : when the pitch of a sound changes because the source of the listener is in motion .
4 . - ____________________ : the amount of time it takes for a wave to complete one full circle .
5 . - ____________________ : the distance between wave crests or troughs .
6 . - ____________________ : an area in a sound wave where particles of matter are spread apart .
7 . - ____________________ : an area in a sound wave where particles of matter are pushed together .
8 . - ____________________ : the height of a wave from its trough or crest to its midpoint , which is also a measure of the wave's intensity .
9 . - ____________________ : how waves bounce off an object and change their direction of travel .