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Joey is quiet during class so he does not have to sit in silent lunch.

The teacher gives her student a praise for doing his homework.

Jill can go to recess once she finishes her quiz.

The teacher brings the class cookies for all of the doing their summer reading.

Allen pushes the button in class that turns off the loud alarm.

The little girl received a prize from her teacher after making the only A on the test.

Bill cleans up the classroom after craft time in order to stop his teacher from nagging.

Sam gets to be the line leader because of his good behavior all week.

Negative reinforcement in order to keep the classroom quiet and manageable.

Positive reinforcement to help with increasing the classroom responsibilities.

Negative reinforcement

Positive Reinforcement

Positive reward.

Negative reinforcement in order to get help around the classroom.

Positive reinforcement to help boost the classes overall grade.

Negative reward