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Present PerfectVSPast SimpleD1


Today, Michael did not come to work but he left a letter, Martha his co-worker found it in her desk. Change the verbs into brackets to understand better the situation. Use past simple or present perfect.

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Âge recommandé: 16 ans
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Present PerfectVSPast SimpleD1Version en ligne

Today, Michael did not come to work but he left a letter, Martha his co-worker found it in her desk. Change the verbs into brackets to understand better the situation. Use past simple or present perfect.

par Centro de Autoacceso Unidad Los Uribe FCA

Martha :
If you are reading this , it means I ( not come ) to work that is because I ( hear ) the boss , He wants to relocate me in other department that make me ( feel ) angry ! You know why Martha ? Because I ( be ) in love with you since I ( enter ) to this company . But I ( not tell ) you because I ( work ) from dusk till dawn in the relaunch of the company brand , I know I should have reorganise my things and my priorities to be with you but I ( not do ) it .
The second reason that I am leaving , is the relation you have with the boss , the other day when I was entering to his office I ( see ) you kissing . Why with him Martha ! He ( been ) marry like three times ! He is not stable . Anyway I don´t want to see you anymore , that would break my heart .
I have to restructure my life and retrain my feelings , I will never forget you Martha , You ( been ) a good friend , an excellent co - worker and you also ( teach ) me many things . Have a good life ! Moreover , please never tell the boss .
Michae l

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