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1 - wants to - overhaul - ____________________ the economy . He - unveiled - ____________________ his plans this week . He's - embracing - ____________________ robots , so to speak .
2 - The French government - claims - ____________________ that artificial intelligence and has - pledged - ____________________ 1 . 5 billion euros to the research and development of the industry . and the - labor - ____________________ market .
3 - IMB develops ways to apply AI to every day .
4 - For example , a customer can bring a picture of their - dream - ____________________ sweater to a store , companies need to - hire - ____________________ developers . that would - complete - ____________________ the right tasks .
5 - Driving a car , working in the - fields - ____________________ it looks like AI is here to stay are estimated to have - spent - ____________________ between $20 and $30 billions on AI in 2016 , a sum that keeps getting bigger .