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People with this phobia are terrified of spiders.Rupert Grint, the actor who played Ron Weasley in the Harry Potter films, has this phobia, and so does his character Ron

People with this phobia are afraid of being in closed spaces like lifts, or travelling on the underground. This phobia can make life very difficult for people who live and work in cities.

People who suffer from this phobia are scared of heights, and they get very nervous if they have to go up high, for example on a ski lift or if they are on a balcony on the 20th floor.

People with this phobia suffer from a fear of public speaking. They get very nervous if they have to speak in front of other people, for example at work or in class or at a conference The actor Harrison Ford has been afraid of public speaking all his life. He even gets nervous when a character in a film he is making has to make a speech.

This phobia can have a severe effect on sufferers' lives.These people are frightened of being in open and public spaces like shops and busy streets. They of ten feel panic when they go out and only feel safe at home.




