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Prescription Drugs



Anabolic Steriods





change the mind and cause the appearance of things that aren’t really there. Affect the body’s speech and movement

cause drowsiness, confusion, nausea, euphoria/excitement, and respiratory problems

used to improve physical performance, enlarge muscles, and increase strength. Negative effects include baldness, cysts, oily hair and skin, acne, heart attack, stroke, and change in voice

gives you feelings of euphoria/excitement, cause confusion and memory problems, anxiety, and higher heart rate

give you a burst of energy, but wears off and leaves the person tired, wanting to use more

can be helpful when used properly, but can be very dangerous if misused

slows down central nervous system, giving feelings of relaxation. Relieves stress and anger, but drowsiness is a side effect

when these drugs are inhaled, the body loses oxygen. Other effects include liver, lung, and kidney problems, affected sense of smell, difficulty walking, and confusion