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Fact 2

Fact 3

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Topic Sentence 2

Fact 1

Elephants are equally remarkable for their tusks.

Elephants are the largest land animals in the world. Elephants are mammals. They have several distinctive features aside from their large side.

Elephants have been tamed and used to serve the needs of people for at least 5,000 years.

Their size and strength have been used to lift heavy objects, carry heavy loads, and even lead armies into battle. Killing elephants for their tusks is now forbidden, but illegal hunting still takes place. Also, human settlement leaves elephants with less space to roam.

They are enormously long teeth that continue to grow throughout the elephant’s life. They are made of bony material called ivory. Elephants have always been hunted for their tusks. The ivory is carved or shaped into sculptures, ornaments, and decoration.

Several females usually help the mother with the baby during and after birth. The baby needs nursing for two or more years. An elephant can live 60 or 70 years. Also, most elephants live in herds of 10 to 50 animals.

Elephants are equally remarkable for their tusks.