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1 . I am ____________________ because I am always smiling and happy
2 . My friend is ____________________ because he enjoys the company of others .
3 . Miriam is ____________________ and finds it difficult to meet new people .
4 . Danny is very ____________________ and wants to succeed in her career .
5 . I call myself ____________________ as my moods change suddenly
6 . Deepa is ____________________ as she can easily notice feelings of others .
7 . These days , many people are ____________________ , and they keep their feelings to themselves .
8 . Mark is ____________________ by everyone as he is complimentary and often flatters people to benefit people in some way .
9 . Phil thinks Lucky is ____________________ and likes to tell people what to do .
10 . I think Don is ____________________ as he talks a lot about things that aren't very important .