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an argument that concludes that because one individual or group experiences a certain result, then everyone should experience the similar results.

an argument that is based on attacking the person making the argument, rather than critiquing the argument on its own merits.

Darling adorable babies are suffering. How can you not support this legislation?

I have had bad experiences dating 3 different women. It is impossible to make a woman happy.

an argument that claims something is true because of an emotional reason unrelated to the argument.

High school test scores have been on the decline. Clearly Mayor Bob does not care about education.

I have been on 4 bad dates. All men are awful

I ate 3 Oreos then I got an A on the test. Oreos make me smarter.

an argument where a conclusion is made without adequately considering other explanations that might explain the observed effect.

Bob may give several reasons we should accept the new policy but Bob is not an attractive man.

An example of Alternative Explanation

Definition of Improper Generalization

Definition of Appeal to Emotion

An example of Alternative Explanation

Definition of Alternative Explanation

An example of Appeal to Emotion.

Definition of Personal Attack

An example of an improper generalization fallacy

An example of an improper generalization.

An example of personal attack