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Charlie : Hi teacher , I am Charlie , the new student

Teacher : Hello Charlie , how are you ?

Charlie : I am ok , but I can't find my friend , can you help me to find her , please ?

Teacher : sure , what does she look like ?

Charlie : She is ____________________ ( height ) , and very beautiful ; she is ____________________ ( skin ) and she has ____________________ hair . Her name is Valentina

Teacher : Valentina ? Hmm . . . There are a lot of students whose name is Valentina , and I don't remember her by her appearance , sorry Charlie .

Charlie : That's ok teacher , thank you . I will ask Mateo .
Hi mateo !

Mateo : Hi Charlie .

Charlie : Have you seen Valentina ?

Mateo : Valentina who ?

Charlie : Valentina , she has ____________________ eyes and she has ____________________ , black hair ( length ) . She has a blue ____________________ ( clothing )

Mateo : Oh ! is that one over there ?

Charlie : Oh yes ! thank you Mateo .
Valentina ! hello !

Valentina : Hi Charlie , I was looking for you . Let´s play before the recess is ove r