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8 ____________________ Penrose - ____________________ Bar Lady ____________________ ( Penrose is ____________________ in ____________________ ) You ____________________ ? Fine . ____________________ ? Yes please . ( However Penrose is not paying ____________________ ) ( to clarify ) Did you want ____________________ ? ( Penrose is still not paying attention to ____________________ . . . ) ( catching sight of ____________________ . . . ) Who is ____________________ ? ____________________ Penrose . ____________________ brain . He'll be a ____________________ within ____________________ years . ( Penrose suddenly ____________________ Bar Lady ; and ____________________ that he is in a ____________________ . . . ) Sorry , ____________________ I ? ( apologizes ) The ____________________ is , just then . . . um . . . I was ____________________ about ____________________ and not ____________________ , and sometimes when I am ____________________ in a ____________________ of ____________________ ____________________ I can't come back very ____________________ to ____________________ and ____________________ , ( looking down at his ____________________ ) and whether I want ____________________ of it . ( handing his ____________________ back ) ( taking the ____________________ and picking up a ____________________ one ) A ____________________ , then ? ( as she ____________________ the ____________________ . . . ) It's ____________________ of the ____________________ in my ____________________ , you see . . . ( The ____________________ Lady ____________________ and gives him his ____________________ of ____________________ . . . . ) ____________________ you ____________________ , ____________________ .