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Compare and Contrast






Problem and Solution

Cause and Effect

All people should get eight hours of sleep a night. In fact, if someone doesn’t get eight hours of sleep he or she may be cranky and may have trouble thinking.

A lack of sleep can cause negative effects on your performance in school. For example, your grades could start slipping.

A baby may first toss and turn when she is put in a crib for a nap. Second, she may cry. Not long after that she will likely close her eyes. Finally, she will drift off to sleep.

Animals spend different amounts of time sleeping. Humans sleep about eight hours a day compared to giraffes who sleep less than two hours a day. On the other hand, brown bats sleep almost 20 hours a day.

If you can't remember dreams, but want to, keep a journal by your bed so that you can record them as soon as you wake up.

To make a sleep journal, first you need to find a blank notebook. Keep the journal near you bed. Then you record when you lay down in bed. When you wake up, record the time you have awoken.

There are a number of things that can happen if you don’t get enough sleep. The following things can decrease: your growth, your healing process, and your work habits.

Sleep can be defined as being dormant or inactive. Sleep can for a short period of time (a nap or overnight) or a longer period of time (hibernation).