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Hi my name is Lol . I will tell you about our wonderful ____________________ System ! Here we go ! Let ? s begin with ____________________ which is the closest to the ____________________ and it is recognized as the ball of iron . Then , we have ____________________ that has the same size as the Earth , it is also known as the planet without water . Now , let ? s talk about the ____________________ , our blue planet with one ____________________ , big and wonderful as we can see it from the space . What about Mars , ? the rocky ____________________ planet ? , the one that possesses the highest mountains . We also have the biggest and fastest planet from the System , ____________________ . I must confess that one of my favorite planets is ____________________ because it is a giant made of gas and has ice rings around it . Do you know what is the coldest plant of the solar system ? ____________________ , better called ? the icy gas giant ? . Finally , ____________________ , the farthest planet from the sun or you can call it the ? stormy planet ? .