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The power given to us by God that allows us to choose God and be responsible for our choices and actions.

The state of eternal and perfect happiness found in the presence and love of God. Also known as eternal life with God.

The gift of God's divine life in us. Grace makes our holiness and salvation possible.

The seven gifts given to us by God in Baptism and strengthened at Confirmation. These gifts help us to form our conscience and live a life of holiness. The seven gifts are wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety and fear of the Lord.

The four New Testament texts that present the Good News of Jesus's life, death, and resurrection.

Holy Orders

Indelible Character



Holy Days of Obligation


Special feast days during the Church year on which we remember moments in the life of Jesus, his mother Mary, or the saints.


The mystery of faith that Jesus, the divine Son of God, became man in order to save us from sin. Jesus is both true God and true man.

The permanent spiritual mark that is imprinted on our soul in the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Orders

Gifts of the Holy Spirit

One of the seven sacraments, it continues the mission of the Church by giving a man the grace and spiritual power to serve others and bring them the sacraments. This is a Sacrament at the Service of Communion.



The state of eternal separation from the presence and love of God.