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The public prayer and worship of the Church where the bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Jesus. It is also called the Mass or the Eucharist.


The time when Jesus Christ will return in glory to bring about the fullness of God's Kingdom.





The gift from God that makes us truly human, it is the ability to choose to do good because we are made in God's image.


Sharing our faith in Jesus Christ with others through our words and actions. Evangelization is the right and duty of every baptized Christian.

The sacred and binding agreements that God made with Noah, Abraham, and Moses as his Chosen People.


To recognize God's plan for you, often done through prayer.

Free Will

Final Judgment

A title given to Jesus that means "God with us". It refers to Jesus being born to the Virgin Mary to save us.

The sacred and binding agreement between God and His people calling them to live in relationship with Him.

Eucharistic Liturgy

To bring about the intended result. The physical signs of the sacraments truly give us God's invisible grace.

Accepting Jesus's message to follow him and spread the Good News through word and action.