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Vector image



Mock up


Negative space


Raster images

The original design or idea created and either displayed on the screen (for instance, if you are a graphic designer specializing in web design and you want to show your client your ideas before you begin to code you might create one in Photoshop and then show it to the client as a .jpg or PDF), allowing the client to see what the final product should look like.

Number of dots per inch, or dpi, in an image. Images for the web are usually around 72 dpi, or of low density, while images for print should be around 300 dpi, or of high density.

This file format is short for Portable Network Graphics. It is great for web design, and supports transparency around images.

These images are created using thousands of pixels. They are not easily resized as are Vector images; enlarging such image too much will diminish quality. Photographs are an example of such images.

An image, such as a logo, is one that can be easily resized without loss of quality.

A program used by many graphic designers and photographers to create or edit photographs and images.

The area on a page that is left without images and words. Its use is very important in graphic design projects.

In typography, creating the perfect space between characters (letters) so they work together. For instance, understanding when a letter should be moved slightly because it pushes into another.

Pixels per inch, refers to the number of pixels per inch in an image.