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fish out of water

blue-collar worker

apple of one's eye

eager beaver

jack of all trades


big fish in a small pond

stuffed shirt

white-collar worker

bull in a china shop

a chip off the old block

low man on the totem pole

a person who is uncomfortable in a particular situation

a person who makes a living doing manual labor

a person who is very excited and enthusiastic about a particular activity

to be very much like one's parent or parents

a person or thing that is precious and often loved above everything else.

the person of lowest rank

a person who is considered important, primarily because the setting is small

an important, powerful, or influential person-usually in business

an office worker

a person who knows at least a little bit about a lot of different subjects or activities

insensitive to delicate situations, to be so clumsy that one breaks things accidentally

a man who is tiresome, pompous and self-important