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Lifetime flies , and I feel I ____________________ ____________________ ( spend ) so much time in traveling , which is , for me , the best decision I ____________________ ever ____________________ ( take ) . I ____________________ ____________________ ( be ) to many countries around the world , such us the United States , Panama , México , Spain and Peru ; although I wish I could had the chance of getting to visit more places , but my lifetime has not finished yet , so I still have time to do it . About my experiences in trips , the last one I did was to a pretty known country , I ____________________ ____________________ ( go ) to the US four times and in each one of them I ____________________ ____________________ ( drive ) my friend's car all over the east cost . My friend and I ____________________ ____________________ ( plan ) these trips with patience , and they ____________________ ____________________ ( be ) very successful . One tip for you is that I ____________________ ____________________ ( book ) my flights with pretty good time before the trip , which has offered me the best tickets prices . Even , being in the states I ____________________ ____________________ ( visit ) pretty cool places where to camp , and my friend and I ____________________ ____________________ ( camp ) in Arkansas several times . Our trips to the States ____________________ ____________________ ( be ) the best .