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When having a ____________________ Attack people experience - heart ____________________ , chest pains , lightheadedness and an impending sense of ____________________ .

Emotional and social withdrawal , ____________________ and compulsive behavior are signs of ____________________ Changes due to an Anxiety Disorder .

Prolonged anxiety can lead to ____________________ problems , fatigue and frequent bouts of unexplained physical ailments - these symptoms are categorised as as ____________________ Ill Health .

When you feel anxious and stressed , your brain floods your system with hormones and ____________________ designed to help you respond to a threat . That ? s good in the short term but harmful in the long term this is categorised as Fight or ____________________ .

Panic attacks can lead to anxiety over further attacks , so your brain continues to release stress hormones . This can lead to ____________________ , muscle tension and loss of sexual desire . Anxiety disorders increase the risk of clinical ____________________ and substance abuse , these symptoms are effects the Central ____________________ System responding to an Anxiety Disorder .

Short - term anxiety can boost your ____________________ system . But prolonged anxiety and stress can interfere with your ability to fight off ____________________ , viruses and other illnesses . Vaccines may be less effective .

Anxiety causes rapid , shallow ____________________ . People with anxiety disorder are at increased risk of ____________________ illness like influenza and common cold .

Anxiety disorders can cause rapid heart rate , palpitations and chest ____________________ . It increases the risk of high ____________________ pressure and heart disease - these are the ____________________ symptoms experienced by people with an Anxiety Disorder .

Anxiety disorders can happen at ____________________ stage of life , but they usually begin by middle age . ____________________ are 60 percent more likely to have an anxiety disorder than ____________________ .